Partners for Period Products

They’re like gold.

El Refugio recently got a call from one of our nonprofit partners, Her Drive. During the pandemic, Her Drive had helped us provide period products – including bras, sweatshirts, and beauty products – to people released from Stewart Detention Center (SDC). To say these items were well-received would be an understatement; a new bra can spark joy. 

Her Drive was offering another 50,000 period products as part of a promotion by Always, makers of period pads. Because most people leaving SDC were now flying straight to their new homes, El Refugio did not have an easy way to share the products. So we put out a call to our partners and learned there was a huge need in the local immigrant community for period products. 

“They’re like gold,” one agency director told us.

We contacted the Latino Community Fund of Georgia (LCF-GA) Ventanillas de Salud program, which provides free healthcare access and information to the Latinx community. They enthusiastically accepted four carloads of products over several months, giving them away at community events. 

We also brought two carloads of products to Embrace Refugee Birth Support, a Clarkston-based program affiliated with Friends of Refugees. The organization advocates for and educates refugees throughout the pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experience. Our partners at Embrace let their community know the period products were available, and all were quickly claimed. We donated additional products to high schools serving large numbers of immigrant students.

All our partners shared how happy people were to have free and easy access to essential health products. We love working with other organizations to meet community needs. Through these types of collaborative efforts, we are all so much greater than the sum of our parts!


Students to research conditions at SDC


Three days of accompaniment: advocacy, visitation, and post-release support